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Wimbish through the centuries



Wimbish through the centuries

Isabel Wiseman
ISBN 978-191646310-3
published October 2018
20cm x 13cm paperback
123 pages including 18 pages of (monochrome) illustrations

  • The only book so far published on the history of the village of Wimbish, (near Saffron Walden in Essex) originally published in 1954 and out-or-print for over 50 years
  • This new edition is exactly as Isabel Wiseman wrote it (but reset, not a photocopy) and with a short biographical introduction and a new cover
  • It traces the history of the village from pre-Norman times to the mid-20th century.
  • The author was a member of one of the longest-established Wimbish families. One of the fascinating chapters recounts the protection of a Jesuit priest in a "priest's hole" in a local manor house: something which lead a Wiseman ancestor to be condemned to death (but later pardoned)
  • Read this history: The story of Broadoaks - before deciding if you would like to buy the book

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Updated 20 November 2018